Can You Barter for Bail Bonds?

Can You Barter for Bail Bonds?

When people require assistance in securing bail, they may have several different options available. It often depends on the nature of their arrest, as well as what assets that they have available to them. One thing that many people ask us is whether or not they can...
What is the Jail Booking Process Like?

What is the Jail Booking Process Like?

You decide to turn on your favorite crime drama program, and the bad guy is walking through the halls of jail towards his cell. He starts the jail booking process. He looks mean, confident, and somehow even more powerful now that he’s going back to prison....
What Does a Bounty Hunter Do?

What Does a Bounty Hunter Do?

Everything from classic western films to the band Molly Hatchet has kept the American bounty hunter alive in infamy. Unfortunately, most people get disappointed to find the lives of the agents at Szar Bail Bonds often aren’t much different from any other occupation....
8 Common Bail Bond Terms

8 Common Bail Bond Terms

Bail, bounty hunters, collateral; what does it all mean? If you’ve never needed to secure a bail bond before, it might all sound like Latin. Below are some commonly used bail bond terms that agents use daily. They may help you when you find yourself on the wrong end...