Anyone who has watched crime dramas has seen many types of warrants being issued. The question is, how many are there, and what do they do?
In general, all warrants are specific authorizations by the court, usually to law enforcement. Often, these orders are needed to search inside a home or for other inspection duties.
In the state of Pennsylvania, you often see six types of warrants used. While others exist, the most common ones needed by the police are:
- Arrest Warrant
- Bench Warrant
- Search Warrant
- Civil Warrant
- Eviction Warrant
- Traffic Warrant
Arrest Warrant
You thought you got away with your crimes, but then new evidence emerged. Now, when you thought you were in the clear, you’re getting arrested.
Most people think of arrests as being made on the spot, but not always. Even after getting questioned, an arrest warrant may be issued later.
As an official court document, these warrants will provide the answers you need. They include your name, your alleged charges, the judge’s signature, date, and county.
Bench Warrant
Bench warrants are authorized when someone violates the rules of the court. That could mean anything from contempt to not appearing for their hearing.
They also extend to court-ordered programs, such as substance abuse or anger management courses. By not completing these items, you are violating the terms of your original release.
A bench warrant may also be issued if you have outstanding court fees. When a judge feels you have broken the rules, they will send someone after you.
Eviction Warrant

Eviction notice posted on front door
Thankfully, you can’t get kicked out of your property without good reason. Instead, a landlord would need to seek an eviction warrant for missed payments.
Another reason to obtain this order is someone missing their mortgage payments. When that happens, the bank begins taking back ownership from the previous owners.
Mostly, any time a person is no longer authorized to stay somewhere, they require them. Eviction warrants allow law enforcement to remove people from specific locations.
Search Warrant
The Constitution protects citizens from illegal inspections and seizures. That is why many officers need a search warrant issued first.
When the court believes you have evidence related to your charges, they look for it. The judge issues orders when you are suspected of drugs, weapons, or other illicit materials.
Search warrants also have strict deadlines, as well as requirements. It is not an issue to continue to harass a citizen afterward.
Civil Warrant
Most warrants are specific to their courts of law, such as immigration or labor disputes. Civil cases also issue orders, usually to collect debts.
Your employer may owe you several weeks worth of wages. Or, a contractor may have charged you and never finished their job.
In these instances, a civil warrant is issued similar as they do with criminal charges. Although, these can be used interchangeably sometimes with bench warrants based on the situation.
Traffic Warrant
The running joke in many tv shows and movies are drivers with mounds of tickets. Usually, they all spill out of their glove box or onto the pavement.
However, in real life, unpaid tickets are no laughing matter. When a traffic warrant is issued, you can be arrested.
Much like with court fees, they won’t wait for the money that’s owed to them. Worst still, you could see your car impounded if you’re arrested while driving.
Most Types of Warrants Allow for Arrests
No matter the reason, a warrant often means an arrest is soon to follow. It also doesn’t make things easier when you aren’t notified about the warrant first. They can serve it at your home, your workplace, or even the grocery store. When that happens, you’ll likely need help with posting bail.
Whatever type of warrant that is issued, we can assist you with 24-hour agents. Contact Szar Bail Bonds for service throughout Pennsylvania jails.